Friday, February 13, 2009

Baby #3!!

Baby @ 8 wks.
Boys in their shirts.

So this post is way overdue. I kept waiting for the perfect picture of the boys in their new t-shirts. (Michael's shirt says-"I've been crowned Big Brother", and Andrews-"I've been crowned Middle Brother"). But as any parent of 2 young children knows, it is easier pulling teeth than getting two boys to sit still and both look at the camera and maybe throw a smile in there. So the picture above will have to do.

But lets get to the point of this post...Yes baby #3 is on his or her way. We are very excited-even though we have gotten many reactions from people like we are nuts. But we think this will be the perfect addition to our family. And the million dollar question has been "are we hoping for a girl"? And to be totally honest, we will be happy with either. We just want a healthy baby.

So for the details. I am currently in my 14th week. I'll be 15 weeks this weekend. I have been feeling great! So far everything is going great and baby looks healthy. We do plan on finding out what we're having, baby cooperating of course. We'll be sure to keep you posted.

1 comment:

kera said...

I already congratulated you on another baby but it never gets old to see a new miracle come to this world!!! Glad to hear you're feeling good and positive about another life!!! Yeah on another boy!!!!