Monday, April 5, 2010

Sick, Sad, Stevie!!

I'm playing a bit of blog catch here we go!!

When Stevie was 6 1/2 months old. He caught what we thought was a cold-runny/stuffy nose and a slight cough...but when he didn't get better in a few days we decided to take him in to be seen by his pediatrician. Our Dr. didn't like the way he sounded, and recommended we start doing breathing treatments (with a nebulizer) and put him on a steroid. All of which didn't do a thing by our next check up appt., in fact he had gotten worse. After 2 negative RSV tests, no sign of improvement, and one night in the ER that Jeff and I will never forget...we were admitted to the hospital. Our diagnosis was bronchiolitis, with secondary pneumonia. (Basically we were treated for RSV-all you can do is treat the symptoms since there isn't a cure) Poor stevie was working so hard to breath-his respirations were as high as 90 at one point . We were in the hosp for 4 1/2 days. He had numerous breathing treatments in the hospital to try and decrease his respiration rate, and help his body not fight for air. And he had a fever that yo-yo'd all over the place too. But by day 4 he had been fever free for 24 hours, and his respirations had been maintained at an acceptable level to let us go home. So late that afternoon we were FINALLY able to leave and go back home. We have WONDERFUL friends who really stepped up to the plate to help with Michael and Andrew. I basically only left Stevies side to go home and shower and then come right back. I now know what my poor husband went through sleeping on a hospital couch after delivering all our children-not so comfy! But I wouldn't have it any other way.

We're home and healthy and hope it stays that way. Looking forward to spring and warmer weather to get rid of all the sick buggies. Thanks to all of you for the kind words and prayers. We truly appreciated it!!

First day in the hosp. :(

Poor Stevie!!

My brothers finally get to come see me for a few minutes
(MJ and AJ missed Stevie so much)

Feeling better :)
There's that smile we know and love so much!!

FINALLY...asleep in my own bed!!


Prentices said...

Wow, Jessica. I had no idea! I hate to see babies all tubed up - so glad he recovered well and got to chillax in his own bed!

kera said...

Poor thing! AND poor you's awful to watch your own kids suffer. Glad he's better and YEAH for spring!!!