Thursday, January 1, 2009

Happy Birthday Andrew!

I still don't know if it's officially hit me that my baby is 2 now!!! Andrew turned 2 on December 14th. We had a little party at our house. The theme was Thomas the of his fav's at the moment. The kids had a blast playing together. We had our traditional pinata too. Andrew was much more into opening his gifts this year. He had been looking forward to his birthday for quite some time. After being to several b-day parties throughout the summer/fall he kept saying "Andrews birthday next"! However, when you asked him how old he was going to be, he would say "3". Somehow he skipped 2. He has since figured out he's 2. But hasn't mastered holding up two fingers. He's at such a fun stage and has a hilarious personality. We look forward to what this next year will bring with our little man.

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