Thursday, January 29, 2009

Winter Wonderland Weekend

The boys' first outing in the snow...
Michael's first time ice skating
Michael and mommy
Sarah & Jess
The Girls- Kelly, Jocelyn, Jess, & Sarah

Jeff taking the kids for a snowmobile ride
(Michael, Emma, and Kylah)

Michael sledding

Andrew on one of many tractor rides with Grandpa
Michael driving the 4-wheeler all by himself

Family photo

A few weekends ago, Jeff and I decided (last minute) to suck it up and make the long drive north to Michigan. After looking at the calendar, we realized it was really the only opportunity we had to take the kids to play in the snow. And boy did they have snow. There was probably already over a foot on the ground and they got more snow while we were there. The kids had so much fun. It was bitter cold, but Michael in particular didn't care. Andrew's favorite thing was tractor rides-some things never change. However, Michael tried everything and loved it all. Jeff and his cousins cleared off a big section of the ice so they could ice skate around, so Michael thought that was the coolest thing ever...He kept calling it a "hockey course". We did a little snowmobiling, four-wheeling, and sledding too. In the short time we were there, we even had an opportunity to go out to eat without children with some of Jeff's cousins and spouses (imagine that). It was a long trip, but great memories!!

Saturday, January 10, 2009

Rockin' New Years!!

The Jeff's and their better halves :)

Rocking out on Guitar Hero

Our attempt at a self portrait

The Girls

This year we had a great time for New Year's Eve!! Jeff's parents took the kids over night-which the boys were VERY excited about! And we were excited about not having to rush home right away after the ball dropped. So we took our time and had a great night out with our friends. To start the night off, we all went out to eat. Then we headed to the Guajardo's for a little Guitar Hero...little did we know we would end up doing that ALL night long. It was a blast. There is another story that goes along with this night...but you'll just have to stay tuned!! Happy 2009!!!

Friday, January 9, 2009

Merry Christmas-2008!!!

This is the 2nd year we stayed put and everyone came to us. It is becoming a very nice treat. My parents use this as their stopping point on their way south to Florida. And Jeff's parents come down for a week + to see all their grandkids. My parents arrived Sunday before Christmas and stayed with us. We were very busy doing lots of fun things. My mom did her annual gingerbread houses with the boys. This was Andrew's first year to do one. I think he ate more candy than actually went on the house. We went bowling too. Michael has been asking to go again-he went about a year ago and LOVED it! So we all went one morning. Christmas morning the boys woke up to snow from Grandpa Guild again. He brought it all the way from Michigan-where snow has been in abundance this year. Then they dug into their presents. It's amazing to me all the planning and shopping that goes into that day...and it's over in a blink of an eye. But it was so fun to watch. Later that day we hosted a nice dinner with The Guilds, Carmen and Craig and my whole family. It was a lovely day. The day after Christmas was Round II. We spent it with the "Guild Gang". We all got togther for breakfast. And then it was present time again. The cousins always love playing together and wear us out just watching them. But those days are few becuase Jeff's brother Mark will be moving to South Carlolina in another month or so. So we'll take all the playdates we can get. All in all it was a fabulous two days of Christmas. Only 354 more days until next year :)

Christmas morning snow

Gingerbread houses with Nana

Christmas Morning

Playing on mommy's Guitar Hero

Guild Crew

Andrew and Sarah Anne
(the babies of the family)
All the cousins

Jess and Sarah Anne(5 mo.)

Thursday, January 1, 2009

Happy Birthday Andrew!

I still don't know if it's officially hit me that my baby is 2 now!!! Andrew turned 2 on December 14th. We had a little party at our house. The theme was Thomas the of his fav's at the moment. The kids had a blast playing together. We had our traditional pinata too. Andrew was much more into opening his gifts this year. He had been looking forward to his birthday for quite some time. After being to several b-day parties throughout the summer/fall he kept saying "Andrews birthday next"! However, when you asked him how old he was going to be, he would say "3". Somehow he skipped 2. He has since figured out he's 2. But hasn't mastered holding up two fingers. He's at such a fun stage and has a hilarious personality. We look forward to what this next year will bring with our little man.