Tuesday, December 22, 2009

4 months

4 month stats:

16lbs. 12 oz
26 3/4 in
(90% for both wt. and ht.)
*sleeping through the night (8:30/9pm-7/8am)
*can roll from belly to back, and occasionally back to belly
*loves his exersaucer
*starting to reach and grab toys

Monday, November 23, 2009

Wednesday, November 4, 2009

3 months

Steven's look continues to change. I go back and forth thinking he resembles Andrew and Michael. Now I think he has his own look, but with a combo of both his brothers. Whatcha think?!

Steven-3 months

Andrew-3 months

Michael-3 months

Thursday, October 15, 2009

Steven-2 months old

Steven @ 2 months:

*12 lbs 4 oz
*23 1/2 in.
*Loves his bouncy seat
*Loves his swing
*Starting to spend more time on his tummy (when mommy remembers)
and is holding his head up really well
*Smiling a lot more, starting to coo, blow bubbles, and giggle
*Consistently sleeping 7-9 hours at night

Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Michael turns 5!!!

I officially have a BIG boy now. Still can't believe he is 5 years old. Seriously, where does the time go?? He has really grown up, and is such a big helper. He continues to make us laugh on a daily basis. And is a wonderful big brother. He is the joy of our lives and I feel blessed to be his mommy.

This year he wanted to go bowling. So bowling is what we did. The kids had a great time. And being that I just had a baby (2 weeks prior), I was not equipped to have a party in my home. So this was perfect.


Many of you know how the story goes...but for those of you that don't, this blogs for you!! Myself and 3 of my closest friends happen to all be pregnant together. We all made the announcement to each other on New Years. So fun!!! There are many similarities in this scenario. The first being we are all married to "Jeff's"-it can be very confusing. We were all due within 3 weeks of each other (2 girls were a day apart). And we all had boys. It was such a fun experience-one I wasn't expecting, but wouldn't have had it any other way.
Girls and "The Jeff's"

New Years Eve
aka-Announcement Night

The Preggos

And here they are....in birth order.
Steven David
August 6, 2009

Benjamin Philip
August 19, 2009

Lucas Jeffery
August 22, 2009

Ethan Jeffrey
August 27th, 2009

1st photo of all boys together

Thursday, September 17, 2009

Our first month with Steven

Steven stats:
5 days old: 7lbs 1 oz, 20 3/4 in.
2 weeks old: 7lbs 9 oz, 21 1/4 in.
3.5 weeks: 8lbs 14 oz, 21 1/2 in.
(we went a week early for his 1 month
due to us being out of town)
One month

Three weeks

Two weeks

One week

Monday, August 24, 2009

Steven David is here!!!

Steven David Guild is here!!!
August 6th, 2009
8:28 am
7lbs 4oz.
20 1/2 in.

Last day being pregnant

August 5th, 2009

My view looking down :)

Andrew comparing his belly with mine...I think I got him beat!

39 wks 3 days
Last day being pregnant

Monday, July 13, 2009

4th of July

This was the first year since we've lived in TN that we stayed home for the 4th of July. It was not recommended by my Dr. that we make the long trip up to MI like we normally do, due to me being 34/35 weeks. I guess she had a point :) We missed the lake, family and festivities that go on up there over the 4th. But we had a wonderful relaxing weekend at home spent with friends. Thursday, July 2nd was the fireworks display in the town we live in. And we were able to view them from our backyard-how nice is that...no traffic to deal with. We had our friends the Hockings and Lemons join us for the night. The kids had a blast swimming first, then we did our own fireworks and sparklers while we waited for the BIG ones!! All in all a great time!

The Hockings
The Lemons

Preggos: Jenny Sue, Jess, Jenny